Author: Volunteer

Yoursupport Part-time Job Post

Yoursupport is an online platform to provide services in relation to legal field to students, advocates, NGOs and layman as well. If you like creating reader-friendly content, initiate and implement new content/information based projects for students or around education, can embrace the trials and tribulations of an entrepreneurial organisation, and would love to work at

Internship at Law and justice Ministry

Law and Justice Ministry Internship program The Legislative Department is very important in the development and running of any nation. The department works for the implementation of laws. The internship scheme under this department will allow students to learn more about legislature drafting. Information about the internship Eligibility – All candidates who desire to become a

Internship at NITI Aayog

NITI Aayog Internship program All scheme developments and associated decisions were made by the Planning Commission. Later, the department got a face lift, and its place was taken by the NITI Aayog. This department also offers internship schemes to interested candidates, in a number of government departments. Information about the internship Eligibility – The internship schemes

Internship at RBI

About the internship Eligibility – Аll саndidаtes, whо аre рursuing аny reseаrсh оr РhD degree in Eсоnоmiсs, Finаnсe, Bаnking аnd аssосiаted subjeсted, will оnly be аllоwed tо аррly fоr this internshiр sсheme.RBI internshiр рrоgrаm will аlsо аllоw B.Teсh аnd B.E саndidаtes whо аlsо hаve аdequаte соmрuter knоwledge, Dаtа Аnаlysis knоwledge аnd аssосiаted degrees in Eсоnоmiсs,


PROGRAMME FOR INTERNSHIP FOR LL.B./LL.M./RESEARCH STUDENTS The Law Commission of India provides opportunities by holding Summer (May/June) Winter (November/December) Voluntary Internship Programme. The Programme is open for students pursuing studies in Law from recognized Colleges/Law Schools/Universities in India. GUIDELINES OF THE PROGRAMME 1. Duration of internship will be 4 Weeks ordinarily. 2. The Law Commission