ICT academy youth talk contest

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ICT Academy Youth Talk 2021

If you ask most people, they’ll probably say they don’t like public speaking. They may even admit to being afraid of it since fear of public speaking is a very common fear. Or they may just be shy or introverted. For those reasons, many people avoid speaking in public if they can. If you’re one of those people who avoid speaking in public, you’re missing out.

Over the years, public speaking in communication has played a major role in education, government, and business. Words have the power to inform, persuade, educate, and even entertain. And the spoken word can be even more powerful than the written word in the hands of the right speaker.


Great leaders are always considered first-class communicators, they have a clear set of values and they always believed in promotions and inculcating those values in others. This ability to motivate has largely been a result of solid communication skills. It can be said that communication is not merely the exchange of information but is an art that is well used in the contemporary world to pave the way for inspiration and success.

     Understanding this, ICT Academy has been organizing the “ICT academy Youth talk” since 2014, with the aim to evolve the communication skills among the students, the future leaders. ICT academy youth talk has now become the tradition among the students of higher education, competing against each other to exhibit their public speaking skills thus evolving the leadership capabilities. The initiative is envisioned to identify young, powerful communicators and leaders who can communicate their thoughts to inspire the youth and peers in their community.

Who can apply for the ICT academy youth talk contest:-

1. Full-time undergraduate (or)

2.Master’s degree of any disciple (or)

3.From any recognized institutions across India.

Structure/Procedure of competition:-

1.First level of Screening: Online

                      Upload a 10-minute video of your speech on YouTube and send the link to them.

2.Know in which regions this competition is held in your state and apply to your nearer region.

3.Top 100 will be shortlisted in each region online.

4.Top 10 will be listed in regional prefinals.

5.One region topper in each region will be identified and will be eligible to compete in state finals and will get a Singapore ticket and their expenses are fully funded.

6.The winner will be recognized as ‘ICT academy youth Icon’.

Note- 1. you should select topics that are mentioned in the official website portfolio.

2.The structure may or may not be the same for the following years. Always check the official website portfolio and keep updated.


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