Internship experience through Linkdin

Name, College, Year of Study
Keshav Sharma, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi

Organisation and Address


Application Process

I applied through Linkdin direct.
One can directly apply by going their website and mailing their CV(s).

Duration and Timings

5 May 2021 – 7 July 2021
Timings were flexible.
One can do the work

First Day Impression

Make sure you know precisely where you will be based and where you need to report to on your first day. This is especially important if your employer has multiple offices or is based in a vast complex. Find a map, get directions, and print out a hard copy in case your mobile or satnav fails on the day.

Main Task

I was working as Human Resources with the organisation. My Main task
• Updating our internal databases with new employee information like contact details and employment forms
• Gathering payroll data like working hours, leaves and bank accounts
• Screening resumes and application


No accomodation due to online internship.


The Human Resource Environment is a part of social environment which includes the concept, viewpoints, work culture, attitudes, efficiency, skills, productivity, nature and behaviour of HR, employees’ demand and supply, motivational aspects, compensation methods and industrial relation concerning of HR practices.

Good Things

Good things which I experienced was that I researched a lot regarding different fields and colleges and courses so now I had a brief idea about other courses, colleges and entrance exams as well rather only of legal field.

Bad Things

Nothing bad experience
Stipend was based on my working skill of answers which I gave on their website.
Our answers were given rankings by experts upon which our stipend was based.

In your view, how important are Internships?

In relation to HR, it is very important. During an internship you learn the basics of what HR does. You can use transferable skills and allows you to develop yourself for a career in HR. At Kingston we emphasised doing internships, because it might do the opposite of gear you towards a career.

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