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Every parent out there is anxious related to their kids health, studies and daily routine as these all have been adversely affected by the pandemic going on all through the country.   As a writer, I would like all the parents to pay attention on the activities their kids are performing as it’s the base which would make them strong for rthe future circumstances.As parenting acts as the root cause for the kids behaviour and personality , here are some tips which every parent should be knowing:

1)Make a schedule

As a parent, you should set some limits and boundaries for your kids. For example: When the child has to study, when he should play or when he should watch tv. Because most of the time parents get Involved in their work so deeply that they have no time for their kids and they remain unaware of them.

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2) Be what you want them to become.

As a parent you are the first role model for your kids. Your child will learn major things from you so you should set an example for them .Setting an example doesn’t mean that you should only focus on studies but rather prepare him for all the things he has to go through whether it’s in sports ,art or maybe it’s a quiz. He should be prepared for anything.

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3)Adjusting your parenting style

As a parent you should know your limits and needs .As most of the kids feel nervous and anxious to tell their parents about certain things they have been through. So to avoid these , you need to be their friend first and then their parent. Because as per the child psychology they prefer telling their things to their friends more than their parents as they think they would understand them . So it’s in our hands to make the child feel comfortable to express his feelings to us. Show them that your love is unconditional . You are there for them no matter what happens.

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Parenting is all about the way you deal with your child. You shouldn’t harm there emotions while doing this. Because communication is the major issue nowadays between children and their parents. So try to get involved in their lives as they want you to but keep a eye on every action they do without causing any harm to the bond between you.


As roots are the base for stem to grow into branches and then into leaves.So is parenting , you are root and your child is the stem it will grow as per your requirement . The more you know the more they will grow mentally and physically.


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