Internship Experience at Lexicone Law Firm

Internship Experience at Lexicone Law Firm

Lexicone law firm, Advocate Rajeev Ranjan

Name, University, Year

Vani Pratap, LLOYD LAW COLLEGE, Greater Noida , 3rd Year

Name of the organization, City

Lexicone law firm, Chamber No.-307, Western Wing, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi.

Application Process with Contact details-

Usually there is no application process there in the court, one needs to contact the lawyer and approach him and ask for internship under whom they want to work.

Also anyone can mail their CV at for the internship as well.

Duration of internship and timings

2 months From 1st June,2018- 31st July,2018


No accommodation was provided there and I travelled by myself to the court and it was 1 Hour Drive from my home and I usually took a cab.

Infrastructure and First day impression & Formalities

The area was big enough and was divided in two floors and was sufficient for 2 advocates to sit and 4-5 clients as well as 2 interns and was well furnished. As it was my first day sir asked me to introduce myself and introduced me to his another advocate friend and 2 more intern who was working with sir from 1 Month. Sir explained me about the Tis Hazari court and its working. As I went to the court for the first time I saw it was over-crowded and court rooms were also overly crowded.

Main Tasks

Main task there was attending the court proceedings and do a little bit of research on the given topics by sir and his associate. Sometimes sir asked me to read the case files and make report on the same Also some days we were asked to read some case files and tell sir what happened in that particular case. Daily as we reached the chamber we were asked to check the files and were told which all court rooms we have to be in for the proceedings. Usually we would hear our sir and his associate arguing in front of the judge and when sir was not present or have gone to some other court his junior would do all the things which sir was supposed to do.

Work Environment and people

The work environment was very comfortable everyone there in the chamber was very friendly and interactive. Both the sir and his another associate told me about their recent cases and helped me in understanding them and asked me to do research on them. They explained me everything about themselves for how many years they are practising and I was enjoying the work.

Best Things

Best thing was the chamber was air conditioned as it was summers going on and it would be difficult to work in summers without AC’s. Also they were so helpful and polite that they would answer your every question which you wish to ask and was so generous at the same time.

They were ready to give me as much practical experience I needed and I gained a lot through it and learned how difficult it get sometimes to deal with so many cases in one day only.

Bad Things

No bad things were there. Had a good experience.

What did you do to chill? Co-inters, colleagues

Didn’t go anywhere out but in free time use to chill in chamber only and interacted with some of my co-interns.


No stipend

Biggest Lessons

Learned a lot, one of them was how to deal with clients and learnt that experiencing practical world is far more different from gaining knowledge from books and teachers which is not enough as practical knowledge in life makes you stand on you own feet and makes you independent.

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