Internship Experience@ LAWROUNDER

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Name, College, Year of Study
Shanu Yadav; Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida, UP; 3rd Year.

Name of Organisation and Address

Law Rounder: Online Site address

Application Process

I applied through my College as, I had received mail regarding the Internship Opportunity from college.

There we were asked to fill in the details and upload the Resume on the link provided.

One can directly go on their site and apply from there as well by mailing them their Resume.

Duration of Internship and Timings

One Month from: 10th January,2021 – 10th February, 2021.

Timings were flexible as we were given time frame within which we need to complete the task.

First day impression

First day we were informed briefly regarding the tasks.

As Ma’am informed us that she will be giving us new tasks after every 4-5 days. Though I didnt had any face to face interaction but on WhatsApp we had and that too regarding the tasks and doubt.

She is Practising Advocate of Delhi High Court and yet she was very helpful and down to earth personality.

Main Task

I was asked to write one Blog on Are Whatsapp chats admissible in the Court of Law or not

Wrote Article on Privacy laws which was published on their site,

Researching Case Laws on particular topics,

And made documentary on Paternal Leave: A new dimension of Gender Equality, which was uploaded on their YouTube .


No accomodation due to work from home opportunity.


Working environment was so peaceful, time frames of tasks was good no overburdening with the work.

Full support and guidance was given.

Good Things

Good things that happened to me while working with them is that they acknowledged my work as my article over Privacy laws was published on their site and documentary was also uploaded on their YouTube channel.

Tasks given was so helpful as it has made me research the topics , for which I was doubtful earlier. Learnt a lot.

Bad Things

I didn’t had any bad experience.


No Stipend was given but gained a lot knowledge, acknowledgement for work and Certificate too.

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